
Business Networking

Business networking is necessary to develop sales opportunities and builds contacts, help businesses get referrals and introductions. It can be done face-to-face, or by using social media.

To get in front of  decision-makers can be difficult, so networking aims to break down barriers. It creates opportunities to make personal recommendations and introductions.  These are always helpful for developing business opportunities.



 Make it work for you!

Networking is the way to make that well-known saying: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” work for you. It’s also a way to develop great professional working relationships.  Surprising connections are often made don’t be afraid to jump in and introduce yourself.

The principles and techniques are mostly common sense. Many of them apply to business relationships generally but can also be applied specifically to selling, managing and coaching.

The Elevator Pitch

Most networking events give you a window of opportunity to tell people about your business. Make sure you have thought about what you are going to say, you practised what you are going to say and do keep to the minute aloocated. This is usually no more than one minute, therefore it must be smart, attention-grabbing and end with a call to action. 

Five top tips for Business Networking:

  • Arrive on time – or better still, early
  • Go armed with sufficient business cards
  • Offer free, helpful advice if you think you can help
  • Always smile and look approachable
  • Recommend others in the room who have successfully worked with you.  This develops business relationships

In conclusion, business networking is simple and effective.  It also takes time and this is a precious commodity for SMEs.  Let Ali Unlimited do the hard work for you.  Pick up the phone and call today.

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